Using Microsoft Bot Framework to simplify user journeys
Seeking to streamline the claims process and meet the demands of the modern customer, RightIndem was looking to update its existing platform and build a new one based on the Microsoft Bot Framework.
The current framework of the RightIndem solution contains several coded elements, and tailored versions need to be made to meet each customer’s bespoke requirements. This makes the platform time-consuming. We’re currently working on version two which will be quicker and easier to configure for someone less technical, reducing the burden on software developers in the implementation team.
This will enable our client to onboard their customers much more quickly, and it will open up many more opportunities for future enhancements. The Microsoft Bot Framework provides extensive features for the ongoing development of the RightIndem solution, to make life easier for claims handlers. For example, it can use APIs linked to Google services for offering protection against fraud and tools for claims validation. There are plenty of other development opportunities, and we view our work so far as the beginning of many enhancements for our client.
Tech Stack
Microsoft Bot Framework